Graduate Applied Ontology Society (GAOS)

The Graduate Applied Ontology Society (GAOS), one of the working groups of NCOR, is a group that is organized by graduate students who work in applied ontology. The purpose of GAOS is to promote grad students' academic work in applied ontology; specifically, the goal is to increase the chance of getting accepted for presentations at the American Philosophy Association (APA) meetings. Our short-term goal is to be affiliated with American Philosophy Association and invite members. The medium-term goal is to solicit enough papers to host a special session at the upcoming APA meetings. In the long run, GAOS aims to advertise and promote applied ontology to a bigger audience and facilitate academic work in applied ontology among graduate students.

GAOS is co-organized by Jisoo Seo, Sean Kindya, Giacomo De Colle, Federico Donato, Giorgio Ubbiali, Jonathan Vajda, and Finn Wilson. Please contact to be a part of the organizing team.

If you have papers on applied ontology, broadly construed, please let us know at